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Illustrated Eyes


Eye Exams 

Comprehensive eye exam with glasses prescription and retinal photos.

Contact Lens Exams

Comprehensive eye exam with glasses prescription, contact lens prescription, contact lens trials, contact lens insertion and removal training (if nedded) and retinal photos.

Myopia Control

We are pleased to offer FDA approved myopia control lenses with MiSight. If your child is myopic, we can slow the progression using MiSight lenses. Schedule your regular eye exam and ask our doctors about myopia control lenses.

Emergency & Medical Visits 

Red eye, itchy eye, scratched eye, watery eye, pink eye, etc.  Medical visits are not considered routine visits and are not billable to vision insurance. Our doctors practice medical optometry and can treat all infections.

Retinal Photos

Our office offers wide field retinal images with Optos Retinal Imaging. Screen for over 100 eye diseases without dilation. 

Other Services

- Glaucoma Evaluation & Management

- Macular Degeneration Screening Scan

- Lasik pre-op/post-op
- Cataract evaluation / pre-op/ post-op

- Eyelid Blepharitis in office cleaning

- Upneeq Rx drops for drooping eyelids

- Latisse Rx to grow lashes

- Punctal Plugs for dry eye

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